S106 Agreement Planning Permission

If you`re thinking about undertaking any kind of development project in the UK, then you`re going to need planning permission. But what happens when you`re granted that permission? Well, that`s where the s106 agreement comes in.

A s106 agreement (or Section 106 agreement as it`s also known) is a legally binding document that`s often attached to a planning permission. It`s a way for local authorities to make sure that any potential negative impacts of a development project are mitigated, and that the wider community benefits from the scheme.

So, what exactly does a s106 agreement cover? Well, it can include a wide range of requirements, such as:

– Contributions towards affordable housing

– Funding for local infrastructure (such as new schools or healthcare facilities)

– Improvements to public transport

– Environmental mitigation measures

– Financial contributions towards community facilities or public open spaces

The specific requirements of a s106 agreement will depend on the individual project and the local authority`s priorities. However, the general aim is to ensure that the proposed development has a net positive impact on the local area.

If you`re a developer, it`s important to be aware of the potential costs and obligations associated with a s106 agreement when considering a project. These agreements can add significant expense to a development scheme, so it`s important to factor them in from the outset.

However, s106 agreements can also provide benefits for developers. For example, by providing funding for local infrastructure or community facilities, the developer can help to create a more attractive and desirable development that`s likely to be more successful in the long-term.

It`s worth noting that s106 agreements are legally binding documents, and failure to comply with their requirements can lead to enforcement action by the local authority. So, it`s important to take them seriously and ensure that you`re able to meet your obligations.

Ultimately, s106 agreements are an important part of the planning process in the UK, and they play a vital role in ensuring that development projects have a positive impact on the local area. So, if you`re planning a development scheme, make sure you`re aware of the potential requirements of a s106 agreement and factor them into your plans from the outset.